since 1995

Frozen Sea Food

The company KALOROGIANNIS N. VAIOS has been active for a number of years (founded in 1995) in the production and distribution of frozen molluscs - catches and other related products that are kept under refrigeration / freezing.

Its headquarters are located in Omorfochori, Larisa.

προιόντα καλορογιαννης
since 1995

Frozen Sea Food

The company KALOROGIANNIS N. VAIOS has been active for a number of years (founded in 1995) in the production and distribution of frozen molluscs - catches and other related products that are kept under refrigeration / freezing.

Its headquarters are located in Omorfochori, Larisa.

προιόντα καλορογιαννης

10.000 sq.m

factory unit

3.000 sq.m

covered area of ​​the facilities

Refrigeration facilities infrastructure

with ten cold rooms

State-of-the-art machinery

for the processing of high quality frozen catch

10.000 sq.m

factory unit

Refrigeration facilities infrastructure

with ten cold rooms

3.000 sq.m

covered area of ​​the facilities

State-of-the-art machinery

for the processing of high quality frozen catch

καλορογιάννης frozen sea food